Where are Datadog's sites located?
Datadog has a number of sites (regions) you can choose. You can reduce bandwidth egress costs by making a direct connection to your Datadog site, but only if you are connecting from the same cloud provider. However, Datadog is weirdly silent about where each of the sites run. You can’t change the site you’re using after you sign up, so it’s important to get it right!
Here is a list of the available regions as of August 2024 and where they run:
Site | Base domain | Cloud Provider | Location |
US1 | datadoghq.com |
AWS | us-east-1 , North Virginia, USA |
US3 | us3.datadoghq.com |
Azure | westcentralus , Wyoming, USA |
US5 | us5.datadoghq.com |
Google Cloud | us-central1 , Iowa, USA (I think) |
EU | datadoghq.eu |
Google Cloud | Germany |
US1-FED | ddog-gov.com |
AWS | us-gov-west-1 , Oregon, USA |
AP1 | ap1.datadoghq.com |
AWS | ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo, Japan) or ap-northeast-3 (Osaka, Japan) |